So what are your options if you want to advance your career another way, besides enrolling in my new program?
Well, first it’s important to realize that nothing else exists on the market like Britton’s High Achievers Mastermind.
To do this on your own, you’d have to cobble together the following ingredients:
- Some sort of business training (which is likely not going to cover the unique challenges of being a sexuality professional). An MBA degree ranges from $20,000 to $160,000.
- A supervisory or mentorship arrangement with someone. A top-level, globally recognized, and highly credentialed mentor and supervisor can cost up to $500 per session. And if you’re going for AASECT credentials, they require you to have 50 hours of supervision. So this price tag comes to $25,000.
- And another type of roundtable mastermind group, which again will likely not be targeted at sexuality professionals, leaving you still feeling alone and unsupported in that type of group. Equivalent types of groups run anywhere from $25,000 to $100,000 per year or more.
While you could find another sexological professional to be your mentor, you’re not likely to find a business training or mastermind targeted at the unique needs and perspectives of sexuality professionals.
Plus, this cobbled-together approach could easily cost you $75,000 or even more.
Instead, can you see the value of investing in a program that IS geared to your profession, led by a mentor with top-notch sexological credentials and decades of experience, and populated with other like-minded, like-hearted, sex positive advocates and clinical sexogists?
A group where you get the trifecta of 1) clinical skills improvement and case supervision, 2) business development from an abundance paradigm and customized for sexuality professionals, and 3) a circle of your sexological peers and role models?
Yes, if you’re still reading, you DO recognize the incredible value of what I’m offering. And you won’t pay anywhere near what you’d wind up shelling out for the cobbled-together approach.
No, you’ll pay just $18,000 to spend up to 36 sessions with me and an amazing, intimate small peer group.
Listen, you are at a crossroads right now. You can either keep going the way you are, always getting the results you normally get, never able to increase your income, liberate your time, or feel completely connected and supported by a community of peers…
Or you can start creating your new future, where you can close your eyes and feel incredible as you reduce your client load, sit down with your family for dinner and game night, pay off debts and save for the future, and wave goodbye to inevitable burnout.
You honestly can’t afford NOT to make this investment into your professional development if you’re longing to leap to new heights.
But if you’re still not sure, I’ve got something I want to share with you, a free tool to help you see just how valuable an investment this can be AND how quickly you could reasonably expect to recoup that investment.
Click here to apply the same Income Projection Formula I have used for years.
After you’ve seen how quickly you can make back this investment, click here to apply. But time is running out, so don’t delay!