Is this YOU?

You have a passion for bringing sexual wellness to the world and you love working with clients to help them resolve their sexual concerns. If you’re like me, the work lights you up. It’s such an amazing feeling when a client thanks you for opening their eyes and helping them develop a new outlook.
And yet, there are some clients and some sexual concerns that are so challenging for you that you don’t feel quite up to the task of helping them.
Or maybe you’re already a competent clinician, but you’re bored with the cookie cutter approaches you use day in and day out. You’re hungry for more innovative ways to help your clients.
And perhaps you’re also struggling with how to build a business that sustains you. You’re wishing you knew how to scale up, how to raise your rates without losing clients, and how to do it all without the support and accountability you really need to thrive and do your best work.
Well, I’ve got good news for you, because I am excited to announce that I’ve created my next Mastermind. It’s a powerhouse of a mentorship program that’s designed to amp up your skills as a clinician, teach you to build that sustainable business, and have a greater impact on the world. Britton’s High Achievers’ Mastermind. This unparalleled 6-month mentorship program begins in Spring 2024!
Grab your seat now as it’s a small, intimate, connected group of peers like none other.
You’ll learn everything you need to know to achieve your career and lifestyle goals as a sexuality professional. And you’ll accomplish those goals while being held within the safe, creative crucible of a circle of high-performing peers and role models.

Who is right for this program:
I know that this program is not for everyone. Only the most dedicated and qualified applicants will be accepted. I am keeping this group very small, so there are only a few seats available.
And the most important criteria for being accepted is that you must be a practicing clinician with clients who have sexuality-related issues.
You must also be able to commit to the full six-month program, where we meet live every other week for 60 minutes at a time (via Zoom).
So, if you can commit and you are currently working with clients, come join the Britton Mastermind. This is your one opportunity to become a part of it. You must apply, showing you meet our stringent criteria to assure you’re the right fit for us and we’re the right fit for you.
If so, you will meet every other week for up to 12 live sessions with a seasoned mentor (Me!) and a small, tight-knit circle of high-performing peers for case deconstruction and supervision, business and clinical skill-sharing and up-leveling, and peer support.

Here’s what people are saying:
Here’s how this works:
Live, small group coaching so you can build deeper relationships with your peers, learn and contribute to the collective wisdom, and be held accountable, which ultimately results in you working harder and smarter than you would without accountability.
Sex coaching case analysis will teach you exactly how to apply the MEBES™ Signature System to a variety of complex cases/clients through the deconstruction of some of my most extraordinary cases, such as:
- The non-binary client who was a crossdresser before discovering their true identity
- The aging couple who found their spark again in a little red sports car
- The porn-dependent guy who almost lost his relationship
- The erotic boudoir photo shoot that saved a stale marriage

Master and integrate my MEBES™ Signature System so you can become a truly holistic practitioner, able to integrate all five parts of your clients’ sexual being (mind, body, heart, soul, and energy) in their sexual healing journey.
Case supervision, where you get to present to the group your own challenging sexuality-related cases, so you can get targeted guidance, input, and feedback from both your peers and me, so you learn and grow and become a better, more well rounded clinician and work more efficiently with the cases you already have.
Business coaching, so you’ll learn how to elevate your brand, redirect your current business plan, pivot to winning marketing strategies, and much more, to enhance your business acumen resulting in the development of a much more sustainable and satisfying career and a business that can scale without grinding you into the dust.
You’ll get personal mentorship on your coaching skills so you can realize the liberation factor of being able to coach from anywhere, anytime, on your terms, and have the freedom to work with clients whereever you and they reside.
Discussion of some of the hottest books & other resources on sexology, entrepreneurship, and coaching in which you gain a more thorough and nuanced understanding of the topics. This brain food will elevate your own clinical growth and create greater expansiveness so you can serve a broader audience.
A community of like-hearted, sex-positive advocates who become a tight-knit circle of supportive peers. Our private Mastermind Facebook group will become a source of ongoing inspiration, resources, networking, problem-solving, camaraderie, and updates on the latest sexological science.

The small-group closed-format that meets on Zoom live, provides you with a safe space for growth. You will forge deep, unbreakable bonds you’ll be able to rely on for years to come.
You will achieve a level of self mastery through the application of extreme self care techniques, which also prepare you to be the clean, clear, compassionate container your clients need.
Each Zoom session, you will:
- Gain greater confidence in your clinical skills
- Get clarity on the next steps you need to take in your business development
- Appreciate how investing in yourself will help you to better serve others
- Enhance your understanding of what it takes to be a great sex coach
- Deepen your unique sense of self as it may apply to the client journey
- Increase your knowledge of sexuality-related issues for your target market
- Develop an intimate network of peers and a special connection with me, Dr. Patti
- Get guidance on how to use the provided practical tools and templates that will accelerate your knowledge and skills
- And more….

This program will help you blossom into a confident sexuality professional at the top of your game.
I have some amazing EXTRAS for you:
Here’s why this is so valuable:

By the end of this six-month journey, you will be helping so many more people reclaim sexual joy, pleasure, and wellness, because you’ll have learned how to scale up your practice sustainably.
Your life will be so much more expansive and stress-free because you’ll have learned extreme self-care practices and how to increase your income without burning out. You’ll have more time to actually enjoy your life.
And you’ll have the security, peace of mind, and joy that comes from having an intimate circle of peers and role models who will continue to have your back and be part of your life for years to come.
Nothing else exists on the market like the Britton’s High Achievers Mastermind.
To do this on your own, you’d have to cobble together some sort of business training, a supervisory or mentorship arrangement with someone, and another type of roundtable mastermind group. While you could find another sexological professional to be your mentor, you’re not likely to find a business training or mastermind targeted to the unique needs and perspectives of sexuality professionals.
Plus, this cobbled-together approach is likely to cost you $75,000 or more.
Can you see the value of investing in a program that is geared to your profession, led by a mentor with top-notch sexological credentials and decades of experience, and populated with other like-minded, like-hearted, sex positive advocates and clinical sexologists?
Your Investment
The Britton’s High Achievers Mastermind is an incredible opportunity to spend up to 12 sessions with me and an elite small group of your peers over the course of six amazing, transformative months—and you’ll only pay $6,000, an incredible value considering everything you get. You have the option to either pay in full or pay in six equal monthly payments of $1,000.
Now you may be thinking, “I’m a small business owner, Dr. Patti, I can’t afford this.”
I know how that feels (believe me, in the early years of my practice, I barely scraped by). But you know, as a small business owner myself, I learned to prioritize my professional development. All small business owners and entrepreneurs need a line item in their budget for this kind of training.
Because the truth is—you can’t afford not to continue to learn and grow if you want your business to thrive.

This investment WILL help you leap to new heights. It will be worth it and will pay for itself sooner than you think.
I want to give you a free tool to help you see just how valuable this program is and how quickly you can recoup your investment. Click here for this free tool.
NOTE: At the end of your 6-month participation, you will receive an official Certificate of Completion. However, if you are on a longer in-house payment plan, your certificate will be issued when your tuition has been fully paid.

Do you even need a Mastermind?
Are you still with me? I hope so. Look, I’ve had over 40 years of experience and expertise as a sexological entrepreneur and I know what it takes to know if you’re on track. And I want you to be sure my Mastermind is the right path for you. That’s why I’m also giving you an amazing self assessment tool I created to help you evaluate the likelihood of your extraordinary career success.
Click the button below and enter your name and email address so I can send you my special “Success Readiness Checklist.” I can’t wait to share this with you!

If you check YES to every question, congratulations! You’re doing just fine and don’t need this small group experience or my mentorship.
But if you answer NO to several of these questions, then you need to seriously consider this opportunity to take your practice and your professional development to the next level.
It doesn’t cost anything but a few minutes of your time. So go ahead, get the checklist and see where you land.
Thank You!
You should receive an email within a few minutes with your copy of the Success Readiness Checklist!
You will also be added to our mailing list so we can send you additional information about the program. You can unsubscribe at any time.
What will you get out of this program?

One last thing I need to mention…the application window for this special program will be open for just 14 days, starting in Spring, 2024. You’ve seen the value of this opportunity and you know it will change your life for the better, but once this opportunity closes, it’s gone. And it may not come again.
This is your opportunity to be held, safe inside a chrysalis as you transform. Like a caterpillar who becomes a beautiful butterfly…
So make the choice to join this elite group and watch your business thrive, your bank account grow, and your influence expand—more than you ever thought possible.
Remember, to keep this group intimate, we’re only taking a very limited number of applicants, so don’t delay.
Let me know you’re interested and submit your application by clicking the button below.

My Story
Hi, I’m Dr. Patti Britton. I’m the co-founder of Sex Coach U, the world’s leading sex coach training and certification organization. I founded the profession of sex coaching 30+ years ago because I was fed up with the prevailing medical model for treating sexual concerns.
I developed a holistic, empowering, client-centered approach, called the MEBES© Signature System. I have now trained thousands of professionals of clinical sexology just like you—dedicated students of sexuality who longed to help people achieve sexual pleasure, joy, and wellness.